Friday, January 20, 2006

Delay of Game

OK, here’s the thing. I like to do things the right way, my way. I’m slightly OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). I think of it as being structured.
Here’s is how my day off is supposed to go. Up at 6:15, kids leave for school at 7:35. Study and prayer until 8:30. Shower and prep for day,leave for grocery store by 9:00; 9:30 at latest. Back from store around 10. Housework or errands. Laundry done intermittently throughout the above. Home before 12:00. Make dinner, iron clothes for work. Finish laundry. Game over.
That is how it is supposed to happen. That is how it has to happen or something very bad will happen. I don’t know what, but it will be very very bad.
Then there is God, who is trying to get all up in my game. This morning I posted my blog from an essay in my archives which I thought was appropriate. First thing as one’s blog entry must post before 6:30 a.m., that is just right and proper. Kids left for school, studied and then God starts talking to me and goes WAY past the allotted time! Then He decides, time to write! But I have to go to the grocery store and I was home all day yesterday and had nothing to write! It’s grocery store time! I gotta go!
Nope, time to write. Nothing in the archives to post on the blog tomorrow. Better listen now. Ugh. UGH!! But the grocery store..ok.
So I start writing and then He decides; let’s make it a LOOONNNNNGGGG one! And let’s make it take a LOOOOONNNGGGG time to write it! Won’t that be fun? But the time...ok.
So I write this LOOOOONNNNGGGG essay and time is just flying by and frankly, I’m bustin’ a sweat. I don’t like to say I’m inflexible, but messing with my schedule does give the Arid a run for its money.
So I wrote what He gave me. Was going to put it in drafts to post tomorrow. Went to paste it on the blog site and the beautiful post I had posted this morning? NOT THERE! What? It’s like, approaching 10:00 a.m. and the daily post is lost in cyber space? ARRGH! I checked archives, not there! What is happening to me? Post the essay I just wrote today? But that is supposed to be for tomorrow? What? Post it today...but...ok.
Now we’re nearing 10:30 and thank the Lord (literally) the new essay showed immediately and I noticed my first essay is buried down the line in past blogs. Add blog master to the list of the names of God. Can’t I do anything myself? What? No?....ok.
Dropped my mom a quick e-mail, hopped in the shower, will wear hair in pony tail and save fifteen minutes in styling, get dressed, jeans tight, ignore it, ignore it, IGNORE IT. Ready to go! Grocery store here I come...what? Write another essay? About how I’m being stretched? But...the grocery store...ok.
So now it’s 11:00 and all is lost. I know there’s a lesson in here somewhere. Probably similar to the one when I wanted to be a teacher and YOU sent me to nursing school. Probably like the time I decided to get divorced and YOU fixed my marriage. Probably...what? You are stretching me for YOUR purposes and that’s it? Can I go to the grocery store now? Yes? Thank GOD (literally).
By the way God, thanks for stretching me. Maybe now my spiritual muscles won’t ache as much when I am told to do something. What? Get going to the grocery store and stop typing? OK!
(Written 1/19/06)

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