As I'm sure you all are now aware, the new Henry Ford Health System commercial in which I play a major leading starring role is now sweeping the nation. I have seen it no less than one time. People are stopping me everywhere to talk about it. And by that I mean in the hallway at work.
I must tell you that it's causing quite a stir around these parts. My sister, who was in a print ad for the same health system just this past May is herself ever so impressed. I'm having my front walk replaced with a red carpet this weekend.
In case you're wondering which person is me, let me give you some pointers.
I am wearing fabulous blue scrubs and a black stethoscope which is not mine.
Oh, and my name is right there on the screen!
Sarah Smith, RN
That's right, the superfluous H.
Why do I find that so hilarious?
As we say in the business,
"wHetHer it's downriver..." tHe H stands for Hospital, HealtH and Hey! wHen did sHe start putting an H on Her name?
Just recently apparently.
Your moment of fame is so quick who has time to see your name? I'm still trying to wake your Dad up when it comes on - So far I've seen it 4 times - he's seen it 1/2 a time and grandma still hasn't seen it....I do believe she may have nodded off just as it came on.
You should have held out for more lines.
wHat tHe H?
wHen in tHe H is your commercial on? I still haven't seen it!!!
i have a dvd available for rental. if you're short on cash, its often on during the 6 p.m. news on 7.
Ok, as you know this isn't my idea but the one I live with suggested that this weekend, along with the red carpet, he could help Dean cut a bigger door at your house so you can get your head through it. What a smart alek!
Actually, we have seen it 3 times now and it is SO impressive. We know a STAR.
listen i haven;t seen it.
Throw that DVD into the computer and upload it to You Tube please.
I have a couple of golf commercials I wrote and produced but did not appear in! But unlike the the pro you were for your employer I had to beg and plead to get proper cooperation. You can see them on WOW but not Comcast.
tell barry our door are already pre-widened. remember, i live with a musician *wink*
I love it! I'll let him read this!
MSUgal, you think Sara knows how to upload to Youtube? yeah right...
Sara, please have one of daboyz do it...
Barry wants to keep this thing going, but I told him he's going to have to get his own blog if he wants to be sarcastic. Something about playing at The Palace and The Apollo...yada, yada, yada...
barry is one step short of coming to stay at the 3 rehab hilton...
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