Has this ever happened to you? It's a lovely day. You go outside to do yard work, lay around, whatever. But your neighbors have their music BLASTING, apparently concerned that the astronauts orbiting Mars need a little back ground music the volume is set on ear bleed.
I am married to a musician who hangs out with musicians and thinks all conversations lead to a musical analogy eventually. I understand musicians.
But I don't understand the need for outdoor blasting music. I really don't get it. I actually like the sound of the outside. I want to hear the birds, the leaves rustling, even the air planes flying over head. I want to hear little kids yelling and dogs barking. I want to hear the quiet. Why do we need to add noise? If you want to listen to music, go inside and turn on the radio.
I think the requirement of a boom box to enhance the nature experience is yet another example of grown-up ADHD.
Oh, and what about the fact that I have to listen to it whether I want to or not?
I'd ask what you think but you probably can't hear me over your neighbor's "Best Of The Eagles" CD.
What really gets me is the cars going by in my neighborhood with the bass soooo loud the vibration makes my windows rattle and my ears ring!
Thankfully I have quiet neighbors!
It's also irritating when some amateur guitar players turn their amps all the way up and practice at full volume....it makes it hard for other people to hear the questions being asked on Cash Cab.
OOH! this is getting good! Any one else got any pet peeves???
Well, what about motor cycles that are too loud??? if I can hear them at the beginning of the block (and I live at the end)... get a better muffler....
Today I am thankful for my home in the country where I am blessed to hear those leaves rustle and the birds singing praises to our Creator!
As much as these noises bother me, I reckon I am grateful to be able to hear 'em.
OK, I'll go have dh turn down his garage radio for the tenth time now ;) ... my peeve too!
once, my neighbors were having a party...not only did we have the music...but the pot aroma was so strong it was like someone was smoking in the same room with us.
why are we afraid of silence?
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