It's back to work for me on Monday although the Mr. has another week off, factory shut-down. Although I'd love to be at home, I'm grateful for a job I love that I don't dread returning to. So I won't complain.
My friend Janet is home from the hospital and doing much better. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. I haven't seen her since before we went on vacation but my sister has kept in touch and kept an eye on her. She has an illness that she will continue to deal with. Pray for grace and strength in her life. And most of all, praise the Lord for his healing already begun in her body!
My grandmother, my dad's mom, is in the hospital. She is in the final stages of illness although what that means in terms of actual time is uncertain. She has a sweet spirit and a very silly side that are still there despite her discomfort. Although we know that life as we know it is just the prologue to eternity; these times are bittersweet. Please pray for her now that these will be days of the full understanding and experience of God's love and grace resting on her, that she will continue to have joy and that she will not experience pain. Pray for my dad and his sister Kathy as well that they too will experience peace that passes understanding.
I awoke this morning to what I can only describe as Farm weather. Warm breezes, bright blue skies and fluffy clouds. I will admit to you that I did not attend church although I spent the morning in the tabernacle. I went outside to prune my flowers and the smell of marigolds with the beautiful summer day took me back and washed over me with deep quiet happiness. I spent a long time in my grampa's yard with the song Great Is Thy Faithfulness on my heart. I thought for a moment about writing a lengthy blog post about my morning of worship but instead, the Holy Spirit seemed to whisper to me that the morning was created to fill and renew me and so instead of taking notes, I let the divine surround me. I have a peaceful heart for a new week and new days yet to come.
Lamentations 3:22 & 23 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I love those precious times with the Lord...when it's just you and Him...basking in His loving presence...
Have a good week Sara.
The last days with Aunt Sybil were very peaceful as she faded away. I know what your family is undergoing.
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