Today is the anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre in 1999. By the end of the shooting fifteen people wer
e dead and twenty four more wounded. Ten years later parents have to be thinking, what would my twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven year old be today?
There are certain moments in history that mark my determination to pursue psychiatric instead of medical nursing. Columbine is at the top of the list. Two teenagers blew away the hopes, dreams and peace of countless people that day before they turned their anger back on themselves in suicide.
I have cried and cried for the victims and their families. I've cried no less for these two boys who will be known in history as murderers. And I want to know why. Ten years later we understand a little bit more. But only a little.
Please, pray for those who mourn today. And when you are finished, pray for those whose hearts are being twisted into something dangerous and ugly. Pray for those children might grow up to be called killers if someone doesn't find them in time.
And pray for us, all of us, who God has called to their side. Since April 20, 1999 I have felt that God stands next to me and points his finger into the distance commanding me...go. Go, find them and love them. The most unlovable, the most dangerous, the most offensive. Go and save them. And in saving them, we are all saved.
Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
I remember when we lived in Colorado, this area was pretty well to do. We knew some Railroaders who had been transferred down to Trinidad where we were living who had lived there. It just goes to show you that no area, is immune. Whether it's higher income or low income, regardless of its ethnic make up, without Christ, everyone is at risk for this kind of tragedy.
It's hard to believe that yesterday marked the 14th anniversary of the Murrah Building explosion in Oklahoma City. I had the honor of going through the museum *7 years ago and was really touched by it.
Sometimes I think my marker in life's history is made up of sad reminders like these!
Moments marked by tragedy. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing and what I was wearing and who I was with when:
The space shuttle Challenger exploded.
The Tsunami hit.
Oklahoma bombing.
and many others..... so sad.
Yet look at how God has turned sadness into joy by calling you into your life's work(ministry) of being a psychiatric nurse. You will never know (this side of Heaven) how many you have helped with your compassion and care!
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