Dean started at the new plant a few weeks ago and it has not been a positive experience. The move was based on improved seniority and a more established factory. He has worked for 22 years in the paint department and was hoping that was where he'd be assigned. Unfortunately when he arrived he was placed into a different area that he had never worked in before and on a pretty demanding job. In fact, the guy training him told him he has worked there for six years and hates it. He's been pretty discouraged not to mention exhausted every day. It's been ten hours at work, home to shower and eat and then into bed with a lot of Motrin to help him sleep. HOWEVER! God always has things well in hand even when we feel like things are making no sense. During orientation, the Mr. was told that Dearborn Truck is such a large plant, there is no moving between departments. Ever. The only jobs a person can bid on are within his assigned department. Last week there were openings in paint and despite the insistence that no one moves out of their department, he bid for it. He also spoke with a supervisor who had known him from his former factory. Today he was informed that on Monday morning, he is to report to paint! Hallelujah! I could see the tension already leaving his face this afternoon.
I am being presented with several opportunities with work and ask you to pray for wisdom and favor. More on that later!
Jay has been busy with work and his girlfriend, Emily so we don't see as much of him lately. It's so wonderful to see the Lord's hand fulfilling all that we prayed for when daboyz were small. Everything is not accomplished in their young lives, but God proves himself continually faithful.
Mac is on the road to West Virginia with my parents and my sister for a family reunion. He'll be back on Sunday.
So it's just me and my Mr. for the next few days. I'll work tomorrow and he'll spend the day with his Folks and then we'll have the weekend to do...? Maybe a movie. Maybe a dinner out. Surely some shopping because it's payday! Most of all, I continue to fall in love with Jesus all over again when he pours out such abundance on us. Have a great Friday!
thanks for the update! since i didn't know where Dean was going or what he was doing, I was just praying for favor!
Glad all is well. Loving you!
Thank the lord for His mercy and grace! God, will pour blessings on Dean for honoring his Father and Mother.
Enjoy your weekend...miss you guys.
I didn't know Jay had a girlfriend!!! We, need to chat over coffee and do some catching up sweet gal.
Sounds like my weekend plans mirror yours...:) Inception perhaps?? Prayign for your job decisions and happy to hear of Dean's job situation. God is good. Have a great weekend if I don't "see" you. ;)
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