Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hello and I love you...

Hello & I love you.
That's pretty much why I'm posting today.  Would that I were bursting with spiritual wisdom and insight, certainly such as these seem in short supply these days. 
Alas, I've nothing so remarkable to share.
Apart from the obvious desire to dwell in more spiritual places, I'm not sorry for my lack of the remarkable.
I'm reminded to be thankful for no greater sorrow than long distance pain for the Boston deaths in my life this week.  A long hot shower and big glass of ice water has cured most of my ills. 
Did I tell you that I'm working on eating clean?  Yup.  I eliminated artificial sweeteners from my diet several months ago and found this also eliminated 99% of what had been chronic and daily headaches.  I stopped eating processed sweets like Oreos and take the time to bake an old fashioned batch of cookies when I've a hankering.
The teasing rays of sunshine and occasional moments when I could wear a light-weight jacket have provided that spark of ambition it always does and so last weekend I spent some time at the farmer's market buying fresh fruit and veggies to take my clean eating thoughts a bit further and all week we've been eating fresh whole foods at home.  I found a pin on Pinterest about slowly changing to clean eating and week one's change is to add fruit and vegetables to every meal.  The Mr. and daboyz are even joining me and it's downright satisfying to watch all of those goodies disappearing from the counter tops and fridge. 
The Mr. baked a couple of turkey breasts and tomorrow I'm going to use them to whip up fresh and whole food turkey tetrazini.  And of course, a big ol' salad.
Heaven knows I'd like to say this shall whittle away my extra pounds but I've decided that for now, that doesn't need to be the obsession (and frustration) it has been in the past. Nope, health will come in whatever form it will as long as I pay attention to what I eat.  And whatever that form is, I will hope to be wise enough to celebrate and be thankful for it.
I hope that this post reflects how blessedly boring life has been in our home lately.  I praise God that in this broken world,  my diet is the most interesting thing on my mind.  Lacking such loss and grief as others suffer today, allow me to blissfully say to you,
Hello and I love you.

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