Proverbs 4:25
Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.
I ran across this verse a few minutes ago and I thought; I like that! I applied for a promotion at work a few weeks ago and recently, I found out I got it. I’m happy and terrified. I am so honored to have been chosen and I wonder if someone made a mistake. I want to do a good job. More than gaining a title or a pay increase, I want to do something good. I want to deserve this.
When the opportunity first presented itself my Mr. was certain I should apply. I asked some family and friends to pray about it. I have wrestled with myself trying to decide if I should pursue it or not. Some of my co-workers are very encouraging and some are not so much. Some people think it’s great, others think it’s too much hassle.
Finally after my last interview I came home and just told God, “Ok, here’s the deal. I don’t know what in the world to do with this. I know I want to live to honor You. So since I’m too thick-headed to figure it out, here’s what I’m gonna do. If they offer me the job I’m taking it. If You don’t want me to take it; don’t let them offer it. Got it?”
Next day, the call came; the offer came. I took it.
And then I found this verse. Keep your eyes straight ahead. I realized that my confusion has only come when I’ve looked around for wisdom that only comes from Him. When I pushed away all the other stuff and just let God give or not give me the job, it got so much easier.
When babies are learning to walk, they always keep their eyes on mom or dad or whoever is urging them on. They don’t watch their own feet or the walls or look back over their shoulders. If they do; that’s when they fall. Eyes on the one you trust, steady as she goes.
I guess if He’s watching me, it just makes sense for me to make eye contact, right?
Eyes ahead, no regrets.
Nice Blog Sara, I know that God has you there because you are such a great person. This was his call for you. And by the way congratulations!
I could say something sappy, I could. But I love you, and your willingness to follow God, is amazing and inspiring. i am proud to call you my sister!
I love you and you ROCK!
i suggest investing in some Heavenly Blinders of Holiness... now with 50% more Shekinah Glory!
you are inspiring to so many people and I admire your go girl!
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