Marriage is one of my favorite subjects. I love being married and feel like I was born to be married. The commitment, the love, the work and reward of it is so symbolic of the position we all take as the Bride of Christ. Marriage is rich in spiritual meaning and all the sweeter for it when experienced in the real world.
So I'll probably be blogging quite a lot about marriage and relationships and perhaps even divorce, (check out Am on the right for some thoughts on that topic) as I try to put words to my heart in the next month or so.
I'd like to ask you to pray for the Mr. and myself as we embark on this new opportunity to teach the heavenly perspective on daily life. I'll admit that I'm a little challenged in that we don't have a text book marriage ourselves...not a great deal of candy and flowers (nor shaved legs Margie) propelling this union forward.
And if you're wondering, my dear Lifegroupies; what of our Wednesday night group? It will march forward as always. We'll just be leading a second group for a while as guests. Never fear, I'm sure once they get a load of us, they'll send us back from whence we came!
So dearly beloved, feel free to share your thoughts and questions about one of the most mysterious and common experiences in the world...marriage.
Isaiah 62:5
As a young man marries a maiden, so will your sons marry you; as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you.
since most of your regular life groupies are married... maybe you should talk to them about it too!!
I am quite sure you have a lot to teach! God will equip you. I'll be praying
i'm sure you'll provide much needed wisdom for those in much need.
lesson 1: telling single people on a regular basis that they dont know anything about anything because they arent married is not necessary. (yes, it really happens. frequently.)
Love and not necessarily go together...:)
always intrigued by the picture of Christ and His Church...actually in my mind it is almost the only picture I see of the Church, His purpose..the reason for everything...I almost never think of the church in terms of the body or His house or especially in terms of individually...I'll be interested to hear some of your thoughts on the subject.
ps i love that pic of you and dean!
i wish i was married... then I wouldn't have to shave my legs... :)
Nice picture, it almost looks like your great grandparents.
Should be an interesting subject - the questions are endless. I think you should shave your legs for this.
maybe i'll just shave my left leg.
Very funny Margie! I'm not sure if leg shaving is necessary Sara, unless you will be wearing a skirt.
You and Dean will do an awesome job! You've been through much like most of us that have been married for any amount of time and the wisdom that God has given both of you will be VERY useful to many!
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