2. Chipped nail polish is gross.
3. Greasy hair is gross.
4. Smelliness is gross.
5. Gizzards are gross.
6. Eating donuts out of the garbage is gross even if they were still in the box.
7. Chewing with one's mouth open is gross.
8. Weak coffee is gross.
9. Inappropriately used apostrophes are gross.
10.Dentures that are not regularly removed and cleaned are gross.
bologna salad is gross
I have to disagree with #'s 1 &9.
Cheese is yummy on a grilled tuna and apostrophes can trick you - they don't always know where to land. I've found mine in the mos't inappr'opriate places'.
I have never even heard of bologna salad.
That's because bologna doesn't belong in a salad...neither does an apostrophe.
its that disgusting sandwich spread, i didn't eat for 2 days because my aunt kept serving it and I didn't want to hurt her feelings... it's SO gross, makes me gag just thinking of it.
Jello is gross.
Aww, Margie that's awful. I am so sorry. I would have done the same thing though. I see why you added it.
mmmm... apostrophe salad.
#6- gross, but entirely appropriate.
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