Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hello. Good night.

Just a short & sweet hello good night! I am on the last leg of 60 hours of either being physically at work or on over night call so I'm pretty tired. It's not that I'm up all night so much as that I have to do staffing and check with the hospital periodically so I'm not really sleeping well either. Wednesdays are always my long days at the hospital anyway so until tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m.; I'm "working."

Thanks to all of you who prayed for Rob and Amy. He's home recovering now and we ask for your ongoing prayers.

As for me, I'm gonna iron some work clothes for tomorrow and give the units a call.

Sleep tight.


Deb said...

I hope you get some much deserved time off after your long stretch!

Amrita said...

Glad to hear Rob is doing good.

Stacy said...

this may be the best way to get ahold of you sara... in my journey of achieving a successful job like yours, i have to purchase my text books and, assuming that money isn't an option, i am wondering if you advise getting the "optional" texts, in addition to the "required" one's??

Louise said...

So thankful Rob is home. Rest my dear Thara.