Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sounds I Love

1. Falling snow.

2. Rain at night.

3. Dean singing.

4. Black choirs.

5. Dance music.

6. "I'll Be" by Edwin Mccain.

7. Donny "talking."

8. My kids laughing.

9. Recordings of my Grampa's voice.

10. Silence.


Becky said...

rain on a tin roof
wind blowing
driving over gravel
water over rocks
a "crick"
my kids playing
rumbleing thunder
ken's 'burb"
click of car from remote starter
music from the Sound of Music

Amrita said...

I love the sound of rain too.

Your picture is so funny

Terry said...

1. Falling snow.

Yes! I like the gentle sound of snow falling too Sara.

2. Rain at night.

I especially like the sound of night rain falling on the tent roof when Bernie and I are motorcycling out west, camping along the way.

3. Dean singing.

I don't mind hearing Bernie singing, as long as he doesn't have the ear phones on and singing along with the song!
Sounds like he has a bad stomach ache or something!

4. Black choirs.

I love Southern gospel singing and there are a few black quartets. I just love Charles Johnson and the Revivers!
We heard them live one time in North Carolina. Just loved them!

5. Dance music.

Ha!...I love polka dance music!

6. "I'll Be" by Edwin Mccain.

"Sheltered In the Arms of God" by Jake Hess.

7. Donny "talking."

Southerners talking

8. My kids laughing.

Yes! kids laughing. What can beat THAT, other than maybe kids singing, eh Sara?

9. Recordings of my Grampa's voice.

Oh Sara!...Your grampa's voice?
How precious!

10. Silence.

Silence with just he tiniest sound of a ticking clock in the house.

Love Terry

KayMac said...

Catching up on your posts...have missed you. Did you know that one of the reasons I decided to give Metro a go was b/c there was this guy leading worship who was singing this Third Day song and you could tell, was just lost in the moment of glorifying his Lord? He made your

Deb said...

....Don't know that song...
I'll Be....

...I'll have to find it on YouTube or something...