They've never seen our new old house so the Mr. called to tell them that the first week of June, he and I would head to Alabama to pick them up and bring them here for a visit. They were excited, his dad has only recently retired at almost 82 years old and their lives have slowed down. Getting around is harder and they can't make the trip on their own any longer. They will stay with us for that week and do some visiting with family and friends they haven't seen in a while. Please pray for this trip, that they would feel strong enough to make it and that it would be a time of refreshing and renewal for them.
I think the Mr. is pretty excited himself to have them walk through our red front door.
I could have sworn I read this post before and it disappeared... Will be praying
This post reminds me of when I was 16 years old and my bio dad took my grandmother, great grandmother (Granny Lizzie, aged 87 years old), my cousin and myself to Alabama on a trip. Granny grew up in Warrior, Alabama and her older sister, Aunt Beulah (in her early 90's) was still living. We took her to visit, knowing that this was probably the last time these 2 sisters would get an earthly visit. It was one of the most rewarding things I have ever gotten to be a part of! Granny passed away at 95, Aunt Beulah passed away not long after our visit with her.
Sounds like a good plan. Donny will be so excited too!
Praying for you and family, may all go well for everyone!
It's going to be a grand time!!!
It will be wonderful to have these precious people visit you.
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