On to other issues. There are three houses across the street from me that appear to be vacant and are for sale. Given the current market, I'm thinking they are priced to move. My mom and dad live about ten minutes away. Don't you think they should sell their house and buy one of the houses right across the street? Please go to my mom's blog, e mail her, call her and in general bombard her with this idea. You may recall that just such blog pressure got me my first dishwasher a few years back!
It's colder here than it was yesterday with that same bright sky that lures you outside that then freezes your face off. I don't dare venture out given my current compromised state. Shut up Margie, cold does too make you sick! But I do need to get outside and plant the flowers my mom brought over for the bird garden. Could she be hinting that the blue cat isn't quite the Home & Garden look of the year?
Well, being on day two of house arrest (which I actually enjoy) I haven't much of interest to say. My laundry is caught up and that's all I accomplished yesterday. I'm going to hunker down in the C.S. Lewis Room with my current library book, "Songs Without Words" by Ann Packer (review to follow this week.) Being that the C.S. Lewis Room is in the front of the house, I'll keep an eye on my parents houses. If I see any potential buyers poking around I'm going to run outside in my pajamas and scare them away.
Achoo. Oink.
Pic: Taken over the Mexican border shortly after the Swine Flu and Avian Flu mutated into H1N1.
You are so bad. don't plant those flowers feeling so full of snots...they'll wait or at the very least can be replaced. If you think I'm planting them...think again.
In theory, buying the house across the street sounds good - in theory. I would wind up not being able to sell my house and then I would own 4 houses...AGAIN. I couldn't handle that without taking it out on you. You don't want that do you? I didn't think so.
Get outside and breathe some fresh air! Even if it's for 15 minutes! And cold does not make you get a cold (or the flu) but lack of vitamin D does! Maybe your mom can make you stuffed cabbage (I'll take a plate too!) I'll move across the street if your mom doesn't love you enough to do that... lol...
Maybe we should buy one of those houses for the scarf sisterhood sleepovers! Or maybe Stacy can rent one, she's looking and Mac can mow the lawn for her.
I think it would be great if your Mom, Dad, Tom & I, all bought houses across the street from you...it would be the beginning of a semi-compound!
Pray you feel better soon snot girl!!!
Family compound ... sounds good and ever so efficient, especially in the day we're in. Get better soon Nurse Thara.
I love Margie's idea! I'll take a look to see if one of the lawns is worth Mac mowing for me ;) and if they are indeed considering renting! Maybe you could send me the addresses....unless you think we'd be too loud! :)
I would love to have you join our compound! That's one of the advantages of having people you love living across the street. If they are too loud, you tell them to shut up. Much easier than with strangers!
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