Friday, May 15, 2009

Y'all Come Back Now, Ya Hear?

The Mr. and I are hitting the road to go pick up his parents in Alabama and bring them to Michigan to visit with family. We'll be driving on Saturday, spending the night and arriving in Alabama on Sunday, spending the night there and making the trip back by driving straight through with the folks on Monday. On the 29th we'll do the whole thing in reverse. Dean's dad has the beginnings of Alzheimer's and his mom is disabled and legally blind so the trip won't be easy. They are afraid to fly and don't want to stay in a hotel so we're doing our best to accommodate what they say will be easiest for them.

While here Dean's mom will visit her own mom for a few days as well as her sister who has leukemia. The Mr. has a four step sibs one of which is a brother whose health is failing and he is in need of a liver transplant. My father-in-law has one surviving brother who lives in the area. We aren't sure how much visiting he'll be up to but we'll do as much as they feel like doing. Dean's also hoping to take his dad to a Tiger game on Wednesday the 20th. They will stay with us for half the time and Dean's grandma half of the time.

Please pray for a good trip and a good visit. And if you don't see much of me, pray even harder!
In the meantime, I'll be back eventually!


Constance said...

You will certainly have a lot on your plate the next few weeks. What a blessing for them to have you come and get them so they can see family! Be safe and don't bring home any of Elly May's critters!

Margie said...

have fun, good luck, and I'll be praying!

Saija said...

"Lord, give Sara and hubby a really blessed trip ... and also bless their kindness towards parents who have these physical problems ... may the memories they make be sweet to look back on ... in Jesus name ... "

Trish said...

Pray that you have a safe and uneventful trip! Love you guys!!!