Thursday, August 09, 2012

I will not depart

Romans 1:11  I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—

The little girl sat in my office looking at the framed photographs scattered about.  "Who is that man?"  she asked pointing to a picture of the Mr. & me.  "That's my husband."  "Are you gettin' a divorce?"  "Nope." 

"Why not?" she wondered.

My God in heaven.  There is a generation growing up before our eyes who cannot comprehend staying married. 

If you're a regular visitor here, I doubt I need to convince you that divorce hurts kids (and adults.)  I'll spare you that particular sermon.  There are people in my life who are divorced and who I watched battle to save their marriages.  People who were living under such intolerable circumstances that I wanted to yell at them, "Walk away!  You deserve so much better!"  But I couldn't, because they were waiting for God's permission.  When they received His blessing, they ended their torment.  No, those are not the people I'm thinking about.  Those are the ones who bear the scars they received trying to shield their children from the pain they were enduring.

I'm not talking to anyone in particular.  I'm just sharing a moment of social commentary.  We are more fragile, we mortal men, than we realize.  My prayer today was that God would send people into my life to impart peace and wisdom so that I, in turn, may impart something beautiful into lives that have turned ugly. 

I don't expect everyone to take responsibility.  I will only hold myself accountable.  In a world where children watch their families depart; I will impart...

Something to make them strong.

1 comment:

Jada's Gigi said...

Oh dear God! What a sad commentary on our society! God grant you something to impart...