Watched the movie "Signs" the other morning while I was getting dressed. If you haven't seen it, rent it. Good flick. The point is that aliens are invading earth and Mel Gibson is a widowed father trying to protect his two kids with the help of his brother, Joaquin Phoenix. There are some faith messages in there if you listen for them.
Anyway, in the movie the family ultimately boards up their house to wait out the invasion. Except just as the aliens arrive the brother realizes they have forgotten to board up the attic door, there is a way in to the house! Off they run to the basement where they soon realize, they have forgotten to board up the old coal shoot, there is a way into the basement! Then one of the aliens reaches his slimy claw down into the basement to grab the little boy. The lights are already out as the brother whacked the lone light bulb and broke it in an effort to wedge the basement door shut. Flashlights roll to the ground, noise, silence. We see dad holding his son who has asthma and is in the middle of a terrible attack. He can't breathe. Dad looks at his brother and says, "We forgot his medicine."
My point is this, does anyone else on occasion feel that without their presence their families would be so unprepared for life that aliens would walk right in and eat their brains?
I mean, I can picture myself smack in the middle of this movie yelling, "Don't forget the attic door!" "We have to block the coal shoot!" "Grab the inhaler!" "Be careful of the light bulb!" No wonder I'm so exhausted.
I'm just saying...
How funny! I'm with you - I'd be the one yelling out all those instructions and then rushing to accomplish the tasks myself if the 'yellees' didn't perform quickly enough the tasks that the 'yeller' yelled! ha!
really funny Sara, I am with you. I seen that movie. Some of the things they show on movies make you feel like a moron and my Mom keep making these comments questioning everything...
My home and family would totally fall apart without my presence. But just maybe, I've enabled them to the point of being needy. I'll find out soon when I take a road trip with your mom and see what shape they're in when I return ;)
we mom's would be yelling in the first place because "they" will forget by the time we finished the statement so we would just grab, lock and pull as the aliens get just close enough to make you wish you could spit! hahaha
That M. Night's movies always look a little to disturbing for me!
I agree though our families surely need our directions!!!
Don't worry someone would ultimately start a fire in your house that would scare the aliens away!
did the aliens come and get you?
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