Isaiah 43:19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
This verse has been a true lifeline to me over the last month or so. Taking on this new job has required total faith that God will go before me and enable me to honor him. Deciding to return to school in the fall took a lot of wrestling with God about my potential and how HE wants me to use it, not how I want to get by just to survive. Admitting that I have a problem called depression wasn't easy, and asking for help was even harder. Leaving behind my comfortable happy job, giving up my free time to go back to school (p.s. I will be 97 when I graduate), breaking free of a life-long illness...truly God is doing a new thing and I only barely perceived it.
My first few days at work have been wonderful. Granted, I am orienting so I'll let you know what happens when I'm on my own! So far my biggest challenge is not getting lost within the facility. And so far I am lost most of the time. The people have been warm and welcoming to me. The first meeting I went to was a positive and upbeat experience. I have not had that feeling of being the fifth wheel or odd man out when sitting with everyone at lunch. And here was Christ proving to me that he prepares my path; the clinical director's office is adjacent to where I am sitting as I read policies and such. I noticed music softly playing and heard myself humming along, the song was "This Is The Air I Breathe." Possibly my favorite worship song. And he was singing along at his desk. It was like the Lord poked his head in the door and said, "Glad you're here! I've been getting everything ready!"
Then on the way in to work today driving down the freeway, I noticed a rundown little church on the service drive. With a run-down sign out front. And on the sign, clear as day it said this, "Behold, I do a new thing!"
Thank you Lord.
Thank you... I needed that!
this made my spirit smile! - not just my heart...
I've been praying for you!
hey dork, why didn't you tell me you went back to school. 97 is a good age to graduate.
what a great testimony to how great God is.
loveyou, I will continue to pray.
Amen to that Sara. God bless your new begining.
Must be as exciting as returning to a new classroom after a long hot summer vacation. Opening up a new box of crayons and discovering that the Lord has put in a few new colors. Smell that new crayon scent and enjoy the paste jar ;) 97 is a very fine age to graduate ... like a good wine that develops it bouquet with age.
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