So the Mr. and I are walking out of Carraba's after dinner. We step off the curb and it is one of those invisible highly slippery sheets of ice in the parking lot. The Mr. starts to fall. The Mr. weighs >250 pounds. I weigh < 250 pounds. The Mr. is the man. I am not. In the olden days the man would throw his coat over a water puddle so the lady did not wet her tiny feet.
My Mr. grabs me as he's falling and takes me down with him.
The two of us did the Scooby Doo shuffle trying not to fall with him ending up on one knee and me kind of on top of him.
We're quite the pair we two.
Afterward we sat in the car for a while watching other people fall on the ice. Good times.
Mark 15:19 ...Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him.
Thank God you weren't hurt!
I would've been on the ground,
graceful I'm Not!!!
Careful you don't break a hip - you're on the cusp of old age you know, and I need you to stay "unbroken" to take care of me!
I would have like to seen that though.
I had to laugh at this one Thara. I know it's not funny and someone could get hurt, but I just had to laugh.
Are you too young to remember the movie The Exorcist? Well, I didn't see it, but one of my sisters and her husband did. On a cold, winter's icy night, they went to the theater to see this awful movie.
It scared both of them, especially my sister. They left the theater, waiting for the boogy man to jump out & grab them. As they reach their car, my brother-in-law slips on the ice and slides underneath the car. My sister sees him one minutes and then, whoosh! he's gone. She begins screaming that the devil has him and is in near hysterics as other movie goers file around to see what's happening. "He's gone! The Devil got him! We should never have come to see this movie! He's gone!" Who's gone, someone asks.
"My husband! He's gone! He was right here and then he fell and now he's gone!" Strangers are trying to calm her down and others want to call the police and some are thinking the devil maybe had a reason to take this man when all of a sudden, my brother-in-law pulls himself up from the other side of the car and looks around at all these strangers trying to comfort his wife.
After learning what they think happened to him, he's almost ready to let them think he's been to hell and back and survived to tell the story. A little embarasing to admit you simply fell and went slip-sliding away and that no, the devil did not get him after all.
My poor sister had nightmares for weeks afterwards. That'll each her to go see such awful movies.
sara, are you saying you have small feet? If I were you, I wouldn't walk too closely to the Mr.... seems he's dragging you down a bit, eh??
NOw that was funny! FUNNY!! I mean I am still laughing! Funny!!
I fell too yesterday, I was changing the lightbulb in the kitchen (I was on the counter top), my pant leg caught the bottom cupboard and blam!
I'm still laughing!
Ooo I hope you didn 't get hurt Sara and Mr too.
Wish I couldav beena fly on the wall..or would that be ice..? :) Good thing you didn't break anything, huh? Are you really buying your grandma? house??
*chuckling* ... and where's the video cam when you need it!
never a dull moment...
I'm still laughing about this!!
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