Just dropping in to say hello!
Adjusting to my new job and new schedule is still a work in progress. I'm really enjoying the new facility I am working at. I look forward to really settling in and figuring out what in the world I'm doing! Right now my schedule changes daily as I am orienting, leaving me ironically disoriented.
Yesterday we were warned about snow which never really materialized. Then this morning, when I'm supposed to be at work at 7:00 a.m., I walk out to find that promised snow piled high on my car. My usual 20 minute drive to work took forty minutes and I was just barely on time, I hate that. Plus the pleasure of cleaning off my car in dress slacks and loafers because I was caught unprepared and not dressed for snow removal. The Mr. would usually had cleaned my car but he started work early and got up late so he was on the run. I must say I am loving my new four-wheel drive and can't imagine living without it now. The biggest problem is the other drivers!
I hope everybody out there is warm and well and having a great week. Margie, thank you for the mascara, and I need a back-up tube! All the people forced to look at me all day thank you as well.
I'm gonna make me a cup of hot green tea and hunker down in my flannel pajamas for the evening. Daylight's coming and who knows what I'll find!
p.s. That pic is not my drive in to work. I was working too hard staying alive to snap a picture! It's a stock Google image.
Psalm 31:19 How great is your goodness,which you have stored up for those who fear you,which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you.
Hunker down sister ... make sure hubby gets up early to check your four wheel drive for ice and snow ;) Better yet, have him clean out the garage so you can park inside (lol)
Better you people with 4 wheel drives than me...:)
Take care on the road.Glad you are enjoying your new place of work.
I was wondering how the job was going. Glad to hear things are good...and that you are clearing your own snow...I bet you fill up your own gas tank too these days!
Its on order, darling.
"I'm really enjoying the new facility I am working at."
eek - like fingernails on a blackboard to me.
I'm obsessed with not ending a sentence with a preposition. You may thank my seventh grade English teacher.
"I'm really enjoying the new facility at which I work."
whew. so much better! ;)
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