Well, the end of the first week at my new job. It's been a great week. I have another week of orientation ahead of me and then some specific projects I've been invited to team up with administration on. I am sure the settling in to the daily role will happen over time. I'm so happy with where God has led me.
I also had dinner with my 3 Rehab homies last night. They brought me a sock monkey cake! I don't think my new co-workers will ever "get" me like these guys do. We laughed and laughed and hugged and ate and it was a great time. Plus Janet got me a table cloth as she remains concerned about the curtain I am currently using. Boy, do I love those guys. I haven't gotten used to not being with them yet. I like to think they are a little bit miserable without me...wink.
Please be in prayer for my parents, they are both very sick with bronchitis. My dad was hospitalized and is now home but not greatly improved yet and now my mom has got it. If she is not markedly better tomorrow, she may be admitted to the hospital.
Meanwhile, I'm gonna go read for a bit and then snuggle in with Donny. I plan on taking some new pictures and posting on him this week. He is approximately 6 feet long now and 260 pounds. Oh, the Mr. will be in on the snuggling as well but he's a bit under the weather and coughing a lot so I use Donny as a sneeze shield.
Hope you're week was great and apropos of nothing, it's the weekend so you can has cheesburger.
Glad you like the first week at your new job .. workin' at McD's are ya? :}
So sorry to hear about your folks both being sick! There's a bronchial bug going around. I've been on Levoquin since last Thurs after being told I had it by my lung doctor.
I dunt like chezburgers. My Fred, he do, but not I. Too-too chezy.
Better post some pics of Donny soon; sounds a bit like a new beau ;) Is your mackieD sign from the greater mo-town area? I only remember the phrases "what be happening ... and we be fine" from my mo-town days. I hope your folks are better soon. Congrats on the new job.
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