Wednesday, November 19, 2008


"Commitment actually is surrender-total, absolute, unconditional, irreversible surrender." BillyGraham

I ran across this quote in the daily devotional calendar I keep on my desk at work and it resonated with me. It reminded me of how God considers me his bride and that the marriage relationship we know on earth was meant to teach us about that relationship we have with God. The same ideas will make both successful. And in the case of this statement I think that this is the best definition of commitment I've ever heard. Apply this approach to whatever you are attempting and I believe you will succeed whether it's school, weight loss or your relationships.

What it really says is that there is no Plan B and no consideration for what to do if this doesn't work out. Whatever I have committed myself to will be the work of my life regardless of it I live to see its fulfillment. Like Moses who never saw the Promised Land but followed God for forty years in pursuit of it. Commitment.

Commitment says I will dig in to this thing with blinders on. Commitment can only happen with the courage of faith to fuel it. "I can't do this anymore" has nothing to do with what Christ can do. In fact, "I can't do this anymore" is usually when the divine finally finds room to show itself. Commitment saying "I can't do this anymore" is immediately following by doing it some more. Getting back a bad test grade, telling yourself you're done as you take notes for today's homework. Commitment.

Looking at your kid and seeing no hope and praying anyway. Tithing 10% the same week your electricity is scheduled for shut-off. Pigging out for lunch but getting it together for dinner.

Commitment is indeed absolute surrender to the thing to which I have dedicated myself. Anything with an exit door is not a commitment. There is nothing about happiness or peace or time limitations in this statement.

It reflects the vow of Christ as my husband; it is absolute. My sin and selfishness cannot reverse it. Although I break my promises, he remains committed. He gives himself no option of "I can't do this anymore." In fact, he takes that which I cannot do and does it for both of us. Loves enough, is good enough, extends enough grace and mercy to count for himself and for me. Jesus is committed to me.

Perhaps if I lived in more total and absolute surrender I would begin to understand his love for me and become a woman with enough love, grace and mercy to count for myself and someone else. Just a thought.


Constance said...

Playing catch up or at least trying to!

Excellant post today! It especially hits home since our youngest daughter just got married on November 7th. I think commitment isn't stressed enough these days. At the wedding, our Pastor shared how his aging grandmother cared for his aging grandfather who had Alzheimer's. He told Laura and Les that that is love in action, living up to your commitment to take care of one another all of your days!

I enjoyed the post on Helen Keller and Laura Ingalls Wilder. I would be an excellant travelling companion because I bore my family to death at museums and such, reading every word on the plaques and trying to transport myself into that event! Renetly, my best friend and I went to the Murrah Memorial in Oklahoma City. They said to allow 90 minutes. 4 hours later we weren't done but had to call it a day because we had a 3 hour drive back to Texas!

KayMac said...
