Saturday, May 12, 2012


1.  Nurses week is over!  It was long and tiring and yet renewing and fun.
2. Got my new glasses, love them! 
3. Mother's Day tomorrow and the fam's coming over :)
4. Because I love you I am telling you, no flip flops pre-pedi!
5. The Mr. is doing some fun landscaping in the backyard around the year at a time we're getting it done.  I predict completion three years after we're both in heaven.
6. I got an apricot mint candle for nurses week, it smells so amazing!
7. I cannot burn my new apricot mint candle at the moment, woke up with a headache from h-e-double hockey sticks and I need it to go away immediately because...
8. I am doing depression screening at the American Heart Walk and I need to be there by 9.
9. Did I mention my headache includes a side of nausea?
10.  Seriously, I need this headache to go away.

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