Friday, December 21, 2012

Save Us

I was talking to the Lord yesterday and considering the gift of Jesus, found myself thanking God for his son and wondering where I'd be without Christ.
The truth is, I don't think I would be.  I think without Jesus,  mankind would have self destructed long ago.  Consider 2000 years without redemption, without the Holy Spirit, without grace.  I can't consider it, can't even imagine it.  I don't think we'd have made it this far.  I know what kind of mess I can make in a matter of days when I drift away from the Lord's heart and lean on myself.  The vile thoughts and hateful words that can so quickly settle into my heart, and this is living in redemption.  In a world of Christianity, with people praying around the globe, man fights against righteousness to embrace evil.  Without Jesus at the right hand of the Father interceding for us?  No, I don't think there would be any more of mankind to wonder about.  Those who did not kill others would kill themselves in the despair of such a vacuum of mercy. 
So I am not thinking about where I'd be without Christ this Christmas.  I'm thankful that I am 2000 years post redemption.  I live on the resurrection side of the manger.  The Mr. plays bass for the Chuck Tocco band and the other day on the way to work, I was listening to their live CD and these words caught my heart...

Love was the force that held you to the cross, 'cause nails couldn't hold you; couldn't hold you down.

I cannot imagine it, I cannot take it in.  Such love that could not be held back.  Such love that made God run, bleeding, after me; to pull me to himself.  He called on all that he is, creator of the universe, and paid the price for my eternity. 

1 comment:

Diane said...

Beautifully written! What joy to know He came for me, He pursued me! He left His throne in glory to run for me! Hallelujah! MERRY CHIRSTMAS sweet Sara, to you and yours!