Sunday, September 22, 2013

These are mine

My sister Amy ("MiMI") and her grandson, Mason

Brother-in-law Rob and Jay's GF Kateland

Mac & GF Susan

Kateland & Jay

The Mr., taking the individual pizzas out to grill

Nephew Tim, replacing the brakes on Susan's car while everyone partied :)

Mason and Great Grand Dad (my dad)


The Family

So, these are mine.  My people, my family.  These pics were taken on Labor Day.  One of the presenters during my hospice orientation talked about the philosophy that hospice isn't about mourning.  It's about taking the time remaining and enabling people and families to live with a sense of purpose so that the final breath will be one of peace.  It made me think, a person shouldn't wait for hospice for that, to have the moments that add up to peace.  Those moments should be pursued and treasured. 

With that in mind, I spent a large part of today planning some family time here and there.  We try to have a Sunday dinner or get together at least monthly, but I wanted to KNOW those gatherings are on the books.  People are busy, if we have a common calendar we have a better chance of blocking that time off and if we miss this month, maybe we'll make it next month and at the end of a year we'll have a whole bunch of little laughs and silliness and games and meals and hugs and conversations that will make the days gone by all the better.  So on Saturday we're having sloppy joes and a campfire, a few weeks after that we're celebrating Mac & Susan's October birthdays and we're in the process of planning a girl's baking and old movies day when the holiday season arrives. 

It's important, because these are mine.  And heaven only knows if any one of us will have a hospice moment to make those connections.  I'd rather not need it.  


Pat said...

I love you.

Jada's Gigi said...

Amen! Plan, intend and savor those moments of peace now! Beautiful family!