Saturday, November 06, 2010

Cold weather is good because...

1. The wardrobe is kinder to the chubby girl.
2. Using the fireplace.
3. Baking & cooking doesn't make the house too warm.
4. The holidays are coming!
5. Snow is coming!
6. Who doesn't love a hoodie?
7. Life slows down.
8. I have a new red barn coat.
9. I have new LL Bean mocs.
10. You can wear a hat if you're having a bad hair day.


Rita said...

Yes, yes, yes! You have a very good list. The only negative to winter is driving to work on ice or in fog.
Other than that winter is my all time favorite. Quiet warm times on the couch with a book and hot chocolate with my pup beside me. Can it get better than that? :)

Margie said...

great list! ohmyword! that pick of Donny! was he having a bad hairs day?

Jada's Gigi said...

I like your entire list! and I Really like the red barn coat! awesome!