Saturday, July 30, 2011


1. What a looong week!
2. New boss at work.
3. She has some long overdue plans that make that long-work-week worth it.
4. Last weekend at work was the pits, this weekend is hereby declared stress free and relaxing.
5. I wish the temperature and humidity would lighten up just a bit so we could turn off the air and enjoy some fresh air.
6. Going to make Mac a pan of banana bread to take to work.
7. I need to steam clean my family room carpet, that may become a honey do for next Friday.
8. In the mood to try some new dinner ideas; recipe hunting in old magazines.
9. One of my best friends is buying a new house and I am going to be her interior decorator. She doesn't know this yet.
10. My friend's sister (Amy Ahonen) is still missing. Please continue to pray and consider posting her info or liking her Facebook page to get the word out. Three weeks ago yesterday she disappeared.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good morning Sara. A busy week for both of us and a hot weekend ahead. Stay cool and I hope you get some much needed rest and relaxation.