Saturday, September 27, 2008

Breaking News

1. Going to pull out my flowers this weekend and start some fall clean-up.
2. Donny goes to the beauty parlor this morning, which is good 'cause he's getting funky.
3. The Mr. hung plantation blinds in our bedroom, love them!
4. Mac's birthday in a few days~19 years old.
5. Gotta take back some very expensive shoes which hurt my feet.
6. Dreamt I gave myself a perm. Woke up before I saw the results, probably a good thing.
7. The Mr. has junk spread all over this desk. I hate that.
8. The Mr. and the guys and the girl singer are playing at Baxter's in November.
9. I think I'd like to get a facial. Haven't ever had a per-feshonal one.
10. My head hurts and I have three canker sores.


Pat said...

8. I love that girl singer....can't wait to hear her sing!

Trish said...

Were you wearing a Moomoo (don't know the correct spelling) while you were giving yourself your perm?
It must be hard to eat with all those canker sores...they are miserable.
Let me know they exact date that Dean and his fellow musician's will be at Baxter's, cause I'm looking forward to it!!!

Trish said...

p.s. make sure they turn that girl singer's volume up so that we can hear her!

Louise said...

What/Where/Who is Baxter's? I don't get out much so's I duzzn't know.

Stacy said...

9. The reason have beautiful skin, duh! You don't need one. On second thought, um, yeah, you DO need one, call and make an appointment, NOW!! Who doesn't love to be pampered!

Deb said...

what exactly is a plantation blind?....gotta go google an image....

Deb said...

I'm back - googled the image...I thought those were called venetian blinds... ?