Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mr. Can You Hear Me?

After a much needed quiet Sunday following shopping on Saturday, there is nothing much exciting to report so I will reach into the archives to share this story of the Mr. circa 2 weeks ago.

The Mr. was working on our bathroom and having various lumbers and such to cut and paint and perhaps even spackle (!) he decided to work in the garage. Being that it was freezing to a million pieces in the garage, he decided to plug in the space heater. Being that he wanted to see what he was doing in great detail, he decided to plug in the utility lights. Being that he didn't want the wind blowing in he decided to close the garage door. Being that he didn't want thieves to break in and steal our lawnmower he had already nailed the side door shut. Being that he wanted Donny to be able to come and go as he pleased he left the garage door about two feet open.

Being that he is the Mr., the circuit blew and he was trapped in the cold dark garage. Being that he is more than two feet in circumference, he couldn't get out.

He's still in there.
KARMA UPDATE: It is Monday morning and I am trapped in my garage. Apparently the MR. escaped because he's not in there any longer. Actually, my truck is trapped in my garage. I apparently caught the hanging down rope thingy in my door and then when I tried to back out the door came down on the back of my truck. Now it's stuck. I have dislodged the hanging down rope thingy and hit the button several times but it won't go up. I tried to force it manually without success as well. The light on the door opener did flash on and off a few times but I think that might be a bad sign. So my truck is trapped and I had to limbo out of the garage since the door is trapped at the half way down position. I am sure there is a manual over ride on the sucker but doggone if I can find it. I had to actually share this story with my boss to explain why I'm not there yet. AND I look very cute this morning wearing new Mary Jane clogs so it's a shame I'm spending the morning wrestling with my garage. HELP!
UPDATE UPDATE: The maintenance guys are on their way here from work having attempted to talk me through pulling on some thingy to disengage some other thingy and it didn't work. And they are bringing a camera.


Margie said...


Deb said...

If he stays long enough, he'll wither away and be able to slide under the door...

Stacy said...

I am cracking up this Monday morning!! Poor Mr., he is often the source of our humor, but we love him!

Constance said...

Did you pass him some cookies under the door?

Pat said...

Only at your house....

Deb said...

It's good to practice your limbo never know when you may be called upon to perform.

Trish said...

Sounds like something from an old Laurel and Hardy movie! Pray the maintainance guys safely remove the hostage from your garage...this is your first experience with garage door openers so I'll cut you some slack...smiling here this monday morning! you have something on our Miss Sara!!!

tina fabulous said...

a lot of thought went into his garage excursion. why is everything he does so funny?