Good morning from the Mitten where it is 3 balmy degrees. I'm moving slowly this morning and should already be heading out the door to work but there is just something unnatural about a person leaving their warm and lovely home under such conditions! Update~it is now 2 balmy degrees.
The Mr.'s dad was transferred yesterday to the VA hospice unit so thank you for all of your prayers and let me not be remiss in acknowledging God's faithfulness to answer prayer. We are all tired, strained and feeling the way all families do when they are in those final moments before a loved one passes. Dean's mom is disabled and her needs certainly add to the difficulty of this time for him. She doesn't always understand that everything can't be done exactly as she wishes with both of us working and her complete dependence. This leaves Dean feeling pulled to do everything he can for her which almost seems to be aging him before my eyes. Of course, she is losing her husband and she must remain our focus but it's my job to see to my husband and so I ask you to interceded for fresh anointing and strength for him. He has come down with a bad cough and cold and is not sleeping well.
Well, I must be off and about the business of the day. Yesterday's post and the comments it generated have given me lots of food for thought but with the time constraints of the moment, I will need to keep those in the back of my mind for further discussions with my neighbors.
See? When the word gets out there, that you have a resonating post up... People will notice. And come. And Comment!!!!!! :-)
"We are all tired, strained and feeling the way all families do when they are in those final moments before a loved one passes."
Of course you are! And it's perfectly human and normal, to get to feeling 'down'. Please don't add to your stress, by thinking you aren't grateful enough to god or something.
"This leaves Dean feeling pulled to do everything he can for her which almost seems to be aging him before my eyes. Of course, she is losing her husband and she must remain our focus but...
-sigh- More of the idea that we somehow have the "duty" to kill ourselves, for our parents. -shakes head- How much sense does this make?
"She doesn't always understand that everything can't be done exactly as she wishes with both of us working and her complete dependence."
Mmmmm, and I bet Mama has honed the art of "Guilting her son", to a fine, sharp edge. -sigh- It's probably human, for her to work on "Guilting" him. But!!!!!!!
Isn't it your job to convince him, that he does not have to fall for it?????????????????
That he doesn't have some sort of DUTY to wear himself out, with his Mother's demands???????????
Gentle hugs...
I know it must be such an emotional time but is will all be good in His time, hang in there.
still praying for you and your family, sara!
Praying for all, and thinking of the glorious new home that awaits Ben.
Thank the lord that Kelly is coming...Just yesterday i was pondering about her. Seems now for good reason.
Love you all...praying that Ben will be Home soon, his journey over. Jesus is waiting...Glory!
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