Friday, July 17, 2009

I've never thought of this before, but in creating us, isn't it wonderful that God included the capacity to love? Curiosity, imagination, creativity, physical strength and ability, intelligence. All of this would be wiped away without love, wouldn't it? Isn't love the drive behind everything else we are able to do and be?
I had a nightmare the other night that I lost Dean. It was so vivid that it woke me up and the feeling of terror lingered for almost half an hour after I had awakened. Then last night when he was sick I found myself waking up often throughout the night to feel his forehead for fever and check that he was sleeping comfortably.
Love pushes us through the potential for terror with its loss to throw ourselves headlong into the possibility of its beauty shining a miraculous light into corners nothing else can touch.
When just for a moment I grasped the enormity of what God implied with the ability to love; I am stunned at how little I accomplish with so great a gift.


Becky said...

i've had that dream about ken! So scary, so when he went thru his surgery, that dream crossed my mind. I think it's God's way of reminding us just how much we love them.

Constance said...

Dave just got home yesterday from being out of town. I don't sleep well when he's gone and once he's home again, all is right in my little world!

Trish said...

Yes...the greatest of LOVE! My Daddy always, always told us to be kind. He said.."Without kindness, there is no love." Lovely post this morning sweet girl!

Deb said...

Love is of the utmost importance. Our lives should revolve around it and it should be the force behind all of our actions.

How's the mumps man? Praying for him!

Mrs. Mac said...

You do more with love than you give yourself credit, Miss Sara. Lovely, godly, inspired ideas you have put to keyboard.

Hugs from across the miles.