Monday, April 18, 2011

Rainy April Days

What do the rainy April days mean to you?
To me, they mean my dad's birthday and then mine.
They mean remembering my Grandma Trent always talking about bringing my dad home from the hospital on Palm Sunday and the stories about my Grandpa Trent working in the yard when my dad called from Texas to tell my grandparents, "It's a girl!"
They mean I better not get carried away with temperatures above 40 degrees and start running around in short sleeves without a jacket or I'll be sick until May.
They mean looking out the window at the rainy gray muddy yard and dreaming about what the next phase of my gardens will be...herbs & berries on the south side, two fruit trees at the north fence, salad garden in the little corner between the back porch and the neighbor's yard, trying to explain to the Mr. what kind of patio I want.
They mean sunshine peeking through more often and throwing open curtains and even windows for a few hours.
They mean Easter dinner and sunrise service do we get baskets for Daboyz (yes) and remembering how cute those boys were in their Easter outfits 20 years ago.
They mean a rolling earth turned in space toward the next ordained season of new life and new energy.
They mean Jesus loves me, this I know.

Image: Daboyz 1993, Easter Sunday


Unknown said...

That was such a lovely post. Thank you for sharing it.

Mrs. Mac said...

Nicely put! Enjoy each season as it unfolds.

Margie said...

sitting here trying not to cry... and i have no idea why!