Saturday, November 05, 2011


1. This year I am working Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Lord, you are truly stretching me.
2. There are few things more lovely than a big old fashioned King James Bible.
3. On Sunday evening we are leaving for our Michigan road trip!
4. Bought a new black wool winter coat at Burlington Coat Factory. LOTS of coats to choose from but what a mess the place is! Made me a little nuts.
5. Did I mention I have a kind of new job? I have been moved from adult psychiatry (schizophrenia/violent adult patients) to pediatric psychiatry (4-17 year olds.)
6. My awesome work partner Natosha is now doing double duty managing 2 adult units (schizophrenia and depression/dementia.) Please pray for her, it's a lot to handle but she is more than able.
7. Daily stretching/yoga is really helping my body aches.
8. I haven't had pop in 9 days. Never really was an addiction so it isn't a big accomplishment however, I can really feel the benefit.
9. Speaking of headaches: I did sneak one chocolate cookie and did have a headache for almost two hours afterward. Apparently, chocolate is also a culprit.
10. 25th anniversary pictures done!

1 comment:

Amrita said...

Hi Sara visiting you after a long time