Monday, March 12, 2012

Call me Oscar

I'm having a grouchy morning so far. I'm off today (worked the weekend) and although it's only 10 a.m., I feel like I am behind schedule. Much to do and very little motivation. These are the times when the stuff that usually is of little consequence become hugely annoying.
For instance, I usually enjoy housework on my days off. Today? Today I don't feel like doing housework and looking around I have quite a list of chores to complete before going back to work tomorrow. Salt in the wound, the Mr. had a 3 day weekend and, well, I still have a long list of chores to do. I know it's not that he's a bad guy, usually I don't need him to pitch in because it's relaxing to me to play homemaker. Not today. Today all I see is dust and laundry and bathrooms and bed linens that I have to deal with.
I also have to make a gift basket for a raffle at work to raise money for the American Heart Association. The raffle is Wednesday, I work tomorrow, that means I need to make a basket today. I don't have the supplies or even a very good idea of what I'm making. Usually, I'd let my creative juices flow and enjoy the process. Today, it's money I'd rather not spend and time I feel I don't have and let's be honest, pride on the line. I'm "known" for making wonderful things for these kinds of events. Piled high with homemade goodies and fun unusual items. For weeks people have been telling me that they cannot wait to see what I bring in. Pressure and pride.
Whatever he is, the devil is not stupid. So why not throw a little guilt into my grouchy day? What I'd like to do is make a sweet little brunch and have my mom and dad over. With increased work hours and my mom's surgery keeping her shut in I haven't seen them since, well, the eighties I think. But that would require me having groceries and a somewhat presentable house and my gift basket made.
In case you're thinking it'll be ok, I can rest up next weekend? Nope. Working next weekend too.
I know it's not all is bad as I'm envisioning it to be. I know that if I'd just get my behind into the shower and start the day I'd be feeling better in short order. After all, there are few things more satisfying than checking things off the to do list!
Ok, enough of the poor babies over here. I think I'll head out to get that gift basket started. I always feel better once I'm done with errands and back at home.
Could be worse, I could live in a garbage can and have a giant yellow bird living next door.

Update: Back from my errands and ready to start baking. One loaf of Irish soda bread for one basket, a loaf of banana nut for the second one. Status-still grouchy.


Jada's Gigi said...

:) be sure to post pics of that wonderful gift basket...:) and one of the dirty laundry would be ok too....

Margie said...


whenever I have days like this... I think 'well... I don't live in a concentration camp' which usually turns my attitude around... and if that doesn't work... I go get an ice cream :)

sending love!


Deb said...

Ah...I'm reading this AFTER I saw the finished products on Facebook. Lovely baskets! I hope that sense of accomplishment pushed away some of the grumps! At least Oscar goes well with your blog background....

Debra said...

Uh-oh! It was Grouchy Monday here at my house today, too. Gah. But eventually things got better and the grouchies went away. Hope they left your house, also! :) Blessings, Debra