"Yes, hi. My name is Sara Smith and I am interested in nursing opportunities at Wyandotte in psychiatry."
"Oh, yes Sara. How nice to hear from you...."
Insert long discussion of inpatient care and psychiatry here...
"How long have you been a nurse?"
"Well, here's the thing. I graduate next year."
"Oh. Well please call us back when you have graduated from nursing school."
And I did.
In 2004 as a brand new grad not having yet passed my nursing boards, I was hired by this great nurse manager to be a nurse in inpatient psychiatry. My passion. Two years later, I was given the opportunity to become Clinical Coordinator. A new manager had taken over then and took on the challenge of teaching me to be a leader, a supervisor and always a better nurse than I was yesterday.
Today was my last day. On Tuesday I start a new job. Wow, was it a rough day. You see, I didn't resign because I hate my job. No, I love my job. I love the people I work with and the patients I have cared for and the physicians I work with. I honestly had another opportunity for growth and challenge thanks to the wonderful experiences I've had at Wyandotte. And so I am moving on with lots of excitement about the future and tremendous gratitude for the past. I've been so very blessed. I remain in the debt of Behavioral Services, including that first nurse manager who I stalked for a year before I graduated. And my current nurse manager who encouraged, pushed and prodded me forward convincing me I could do new things.
So today at 3:00 I swiped out and handed my badge and keys in. I almost got to my car before the tears started. Happy/sad tears, if that makes any sense. I wish I could take all these wonderful people with me. I know God has great people yet to cross my path in my new position and I can't wait to meet them and get started. But for today, I sat in my car in the Wyandotte employee lot and cried for a little while. I am not used to the idea yet that I do not work there anymore.
So this is for you guys, nurses, MHAs, case managers, chem dep counselors, social workers, psychiatrists, secretaries, security and administration. To thank you for teaching me and allowing me to become the nurse I am today. For opportunities to move on and caring enough about me to hold my hand while I walk away. Thank you for dancing with me at the nurse's station and laughing until we cried. Thank you for running in to take-downs with me and keeping me safe. Thank you for spinning my chair around and wacking me with a stick when I got out of line. Thank you for kind words, hugs and letting me learn day by day without criticizing me. Thank you for telling me "We don't want you to go." and letting me go with hugs.
Dear 3 Rehab,
I love you.
3 Rehab - I'm Sara's Mom and I love you too.
Now I'm crying.
Let's see what God has in store for you next!
I'm crying.
of course.
a new adventure awaits! it's going to be good! God says He's got great plans for you, after all!
I was crying when I read this... God blesses our steps! yours are truly annointed.
God bless you Sara. I 'm sure they all will miss you. But the Lord has new avenues for for. God will go before you.
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