Ok kids! I'm off tomorrow to the aforementioned Behavioral Services Renewal in yet another location in Downtown D. Not to mention the promised afterglow! The event is from 8:00 in the morning until 5:00 p.m., then I guess the glowing officially begins.
The Mr. asked the GPS man for directions and I asked the Mapquest people. I am listening to the Mapquesters as they have never steered me wrong and the GPS man is the devil.
Most importantly, I have a brand new pair of black boots that I am wearing.
Commence with the praying. Specifically, no getting lost; no blizzards; no flat tires and/or car issues.
If you don't see a blog on Saturday morning, release the hounds!
1 Kings 19:7 The angel of the LORD came back a second time and touched him and said, "Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you."
Oh Lord! I must commmence to prayin'!
Thou art a courageous woman O Thara, and I shall commence praying for thee and thou safety as thou maketh thy way into the Big D once again.
These cars and all these new contraptions to help us just
scare us sometimes. Commencin' to start the prayin'!
Enjoy the Afterglow, let us know what it was like.
Am holding the hounds at bay ... they're getting mighty uppity and want to run, sara. Please tell me soon: Release or Stay Put.
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