I had another post prepared for today but God changed my plans this morning.
I was driving to work down Eight Mile (yes, that's right on the D!). It was freezing and windy here in Michigan and at 7:00, still pretty dark. I had my Christian music station playing softly and I was in that auto-pilot mode we can get into driving familiar routes. Praise music in the background, paying just enough attention to be safe but not exactly on high alert. I was almost to work when things almost changed.
I noticed a red truck come around me and into the lane to my right. For reasons I only understood five minutes later, that truck seemed incredibly loud to me. I even looked over to see what kind of vehicle it was expecting a dump truck or garbage truck. Nope, just an ordinary old red pick up. I can remember thinking, "why is that thing so loud?" Rattling kind of loud. That old red rattling truck held my rapt attention as it passed me and drove just ahead of me one lane over. I kept an eye on it like it was the most fascinating thing in the world.
It was only about ten feet ahead of me, us going 45 miles an hour when it happened. The rear driver's side wheel of the truck flew off bouncing at high speed right at me. The truck started swerving trying to gain control on three tires as sparks flew from the dragging left rear side. The tire bounced straight into my lane, right in front of me, right at me. I won't say I made critical driving decisions based on thorough consideration of my prospects. I didn't even feel that jump in my chest that these kind of situations normally cause.
I was over-ridden.
I slowed just enough to allow the tire to bounce in front of me and then drove under it as it flew through the air hitting the pavement behind me and bouncing again high above the ground to roll into the median still bounding and spinning. I pulled just a little left and away from that red truck as it swerved toward me and ultimately pulled over to the far right. I looked behind me to see only a few car lengths between myself and traffic; just enough space for the tire to bounce between cars and away from hurting anyone.
Remember last week when I joked about singing "Jesus Take The Wheel?" Well, he literally did today. He slowed me, he paced my travel, he guided my hands and even made my ears hear that mysterious rattle that was obviously the tire working loose.
The red truck pulled over and off the road without incident.
I don't know how much damage could have happened had the tire hit me. It was going pretty fast and bouncing pretty high. I know at the very least there would have been some repair work required.
I see Christ in these kind of moments. Moments when a few feet here or there could cause tragedy. I think about leaving for work a few minutes earlier and what that might have affected. I think about being so aware of that truck for no good reason.
Christ is ever at my side, and truly his angels stand guard.
I don't know that my life was spared from certain death, or maybe just my Edge was spared from a dented hood. That isn't what caused me to thank him as I pulled safely into the parking lot. It was simply that he was there.
He is so very there.
1 Samuel 2:9 He will guard the feet of his saints,but the wicked will be silenced in darkness "It is not by strength that one prevails..."
Yes, that definitely was a 'thank You Lord' moment you had there!
Your blog has been a blessing...just thought I'd finally stop in and say hi.
Have a great night with Jesus~
Thank God He is ever present...which of us can know what we have been saved from.
Angels watchin' over you my friend!
I am so thankful that "He is so very there."
Thank you Jesus!!!
We don't even know how many times he's kept us from danger. His Angel's all are around us!!!
Thank You Jesus for protecting my friend. For this and a million other reasons, I am thankful for You!
PTL that you are fine. His presence made you very aware of the danger ... He delivered you from harm.
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