Friday, October 15, 2010


I really don't think I've had a bad week but it hasn't been the best ever. The week needs to end or it runs the risk of becoming an officially bad week. At the moment, I'm feeling a little bit prickly. There is some patience and good humor left, but it's running low. Finding myself struggling not to confront issues that wisdom might tell me to stay quiet about. Not really wanting to go the extra mile.
I am ready for the weekend I guess.
With two days to renew myself I need some ideas; what do you do when you know you're burned out and you need a refreshing?


Trish said...

I hibernate...turn inward and let the Lord help me to be kind and do what I need to do...whether I feel like it or not. Yep, that is the real test!

Trish said...

Love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!

Debra said...

Like Trish said. :)

I spend extra time with God, read, look out the window and then pamper myself with a bath and a good movie and maybe a walk around the block.

Take good care of yourself for there's only one you! Blessings, Debra