Tuesday, May 21, 2013


It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1

For freedom, not freedom from.  Do you find that as interesting as I do?  I've been thinking about different aspects of my life by which I feel encumbered.  Actually, I've only just started recognizing the feeling as encumbered.  Areas of life that I want to be relieved of, delivered from.
When I started thinking about it, I wondered, what exactly is on that list?  What do I feel trapped by?
My job.  My weight.  My finances.  My body.  My bad habits.  My emotions.
The list grew pretty quickly.  There are quite a few things about which that my spirit cries, "God, get me outta this!"
Even in consideration of spiritual truths, we filter so much through carnal understanding.  I thought and meditated and thought some more and realized, I am already free.  There.  Isn't that a breakthrough? 
Just keep reminding yourself, I am free.  It is for the sake of being, or at least becoming, something far better than I am now, that Christ set me free.  Everything that seems to press in on me and wrap chains around my life only takes hold because I forget.
I'm free.
I am free of the burden of it all.  The burden is condemnation, frustration, weariness, anxiety, anger, impatience.  All of those nasty experiences belong to the person who has no future.  I have a future.  Even the things that will follow me to heaven will follow me no further.  It's all just for a moment. 
For freedom, I was set free.  For the fences ripped away and open pastures unfolding eternally before me. 
I am free in the midst of the fences.
I am not burdened.

1 comment:

Jada's Gigi said...

Free to soar in Him...to find your self In Christ...He is our emancipation...our spirits are unhindered!