I actually said to God, this morning in the shower, something so ridiculous I am ashamed. Thinking of a man who I am friends with I wonder if he really knows Jesus, or just tries to play the part. So I said to God, "Lord, if you want me to speak to him and ask him bluntly about his salvation I will. Just tell me if you want me to do this."
God forgive me. Do I really need a voice from heaven to tell me that if I've doubt about the state of someones heart I should ask them about it? Why would I not? Why would I leave room for doubt when hell is the other option? Am I being polite? I'll tell you this, my hesitation is not rooted in love.
I thought today also of a young girl I know. Her family doesn't know the Lord. Her mom is not a mom who speaks Jesus into her life. And I thought to myself, maybe I should be her spiritual mom. Really? Maybe? Do I really think that God would prefer I did not extend myself in such a way?
There is a Christianity that I lose track of in my spirituality. I have made something too complicated of my role in the world. I need only to stand, feet spread wide firmly planted on earth. I need to reach one hand to heaven and firmly grasp my Lord's hand. I need to reach the other one as far as I can stretch to hold hands with anyone I can reach.
The results are not mine to tally. The effort is mine to answer for.
God forgive me. Do I really need a voice from heaven to tell me that if I've doubt about the state of someones heart I should ask them about it? Why would I not? Why would I leave room for doubt when hell is the other option? Am I being polite? I'll tell you this, my hesitation is not rooted in love.
I thought today also of a young girl I know. Her family doesn't know the Lord. Her mom is not a mom who speaks Jesus into her life. And I thought to myself, maybe I should be her spiritual mom. Really? Maybe? Do I really think that God would prefer I did not extend myself in such a way?
There is a Christianity that I lose track of in my spirituality. I have made something too complicated of my role in the world. I need only to stand, feet spread wide firmly planted on earth. I need to reach one hand to heaven and firmly grasp my Lord's hand. I need to reach the other one as far as I can stretch to hold hands with anyone I can reach.
The results are not mine to tally. The effort is mine to answer for.
John 21:17 The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Feed my sheep.