Saturday, September 01, 2007

You Might Be A Psych Nurse If...

1. You find yourself attempting to operate a department store elevator with your car keys.
2. You always maintain a "safe distance" when speaking with others.
3. You imagine which medications your friends and family could benefit from.
4. And speaking of medications, you see no reason you shouldn't be allowed to carry a syringe in your purse for those displaying aggitation aka getting on your last nerve.
5. You threaten to put your spouse into seclusion if he doesn't zip it.
6. You watch the news just to see if you recognize anyone.
7. You consider calling a code if you can't find your keys.
8. While at work you regularly say, "Put your pants on!" but you're not a hooker.
9. You approach people on the street who are "acting out" and talk them down.
10. You got a nursing license and hate medicine.


Deb said...

If I become a psych nurse, may I wear one of those fabulous hats?

Trish said...

That's why your eyes are always scanning the room, you have to
be on the look out. For you never know when we non- hormonals might have a meltdown!!!

Mrs. Mac said...

Do you sit with your back against the wall while dining out too? This is an old cop trick so you can't be taken by surprise. Are you having difficulty separating work from home ;)?

Pat said...

Mrs. Mac just described your dad - when we go out, he always insists on sitting with his back against the wall too - just in case.

Amber Land said...

I confess to #8!

Margie said...

i only don't sit with my back to the wall if I am comfortable that the person I am with can take care of any situation that arises. I thought it was a mob thing, not a cop thing...

Tonya said...

I love #4 ..That is great.