Thursday, January 05, 2012

Perfect timing~

The holidays are official over at the Smith House. The Mr. finally took the tree down on Tuesday and scooted some furniture around in preparation of new family furniture. I went back to work on Monday, Mac on Tuesday afternoon, Jay on Tuesday and the Mr. tomorrow morning. Dean bid on a new job which he got but the shift is screwy. Friday and Saturday 5 p.m.-5a.m., Sunday and Monday 5p.m.-5a.m., off Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Craziest schedule ever! He has high seniority so he will be able to bump almost immediately back to day shift but he'll be there for about a month before that happen. I'm expecting a long month! The good news is that he definitely does not have my sleeping problems, the guy falls asleep in seconds when his head hits the pillow. Nonetheless, we'll be praying for him to return to day shift in the Lord's perfect timing.
Mac did not get the early start to the nursing program he had hoped for. He was told to expect to start in Fall of 2012 or January of 2013 but had his fingers crossed to start this semester. Again, the Lord's perfect timing. In the meantime he would like to move from Kingswood to another Ford facility with more medical focus. Again, prayers are coveted for God to open doors. He is great at his job but wants to work in medicine (as opposed to psychiatry) for the experience and also, fingers crossed, maybe even somewhere closer to home.
I was hoping to be in school this semester too. However-insert frustration here-I am having a terrible time getting my transcripts from the school I graduated from when I got my nursing degree. First they said I had an outstanding $40 fee which was a mystery to me since I had graduated in 2004. Then they said they couldn't send my transcripts because I had moved since graduation. Huh? It seems like that is something that might happen once in a while. So I had to reactivate my student account, go online and update my status. Did so successfully and then when I logged out and back in, it had not updated. I called the school, they said it takes up to a week for that to show up. You can guess where I am at...square one. I'm going to have to take time off of work to go in and assert myself. I cannot take a student copy, official copies can only be transferred from one school to another. Now I'm looking at a Spring start. Since I'm delayed, I'm going to take advantage of the time to check into every program out there. Maybe God is steering me in a different direction, maybe he's just teaching me patience.
Last on the list, we went to order new family room furniture last night and walked away empty handed. After choosing the set we wanted and working out the price we only needed to choose the color. Salesman number one said just choose the swatch and we're all set. Salesman number two says they can't order any other color than the floor model at the sale price AND it will take four months to deliver. So we took a pass to think it out and continue looking for the price that works with our budget.
So the theme of the year so far is Delayed Gratification. I'm so thankful for the Holy Spirit's influence because instead of frustration we can honestly say we are waiting for God's perfect timing and it's all good. Nothing is ever withheld but to make way for the greater blessing and anointing with the Lord. Our faith has matured enough that we don't even need to understand it by and by. We trust that all things are working together for our good and get on with our day. And goodness gracious, none of these examples are earth-shattering!
Time to pour a second cup of coffee and make an official start to the day. I'm training three new nurses today, an aspect of my job that I really enjoy. Have a wonderful Thursday!


Diane said...

Wow, new jobs, new schooling, new furniture, NEW YEAR! Lots of changes in your life......praying for all and loving you as you enjoy 'God's perfect timing'.....I love that and I love you my sister!

Many hugs...........


Mrs. Mac said...

You will be so thrilled when God 'drops' the new furniture in your lap .. it's amazing how He works .. in his timing. Glad the Mr. got the job .. screwy hours or not .. (my Mr. is King of screwy hours).