Thursday, April 27, 2006

Bloody Grateful

Blood transfusion
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blood transfusion is the process of transferring blood or blood-based products from one person into the circulatory system of another. Blood transfusions may treat medical conditions, such as massive blood loss due to trauma, surgery, shock and where the red cell producing mechanism (or some other normal and essential component) fails (see blood diseases).

Donating blood has become commonplace in our society. My son is thinking of donating. My husband has several times. We probably all know someone who has received a transfusion. Life giving stuff, blood.
I know people who, facing surgery, have donated blood for themselves or banked the blood of people they know.
Transfusion is a tricky thing that I won’t pretend to be an expert about. I do know you have to be typed and matched. You can’t transfuse my blood, A- into a B+ person. What would happen? Death.
I know that when a nurse is setting up a transfusion she is required to have a second nurse confirm type with her to prevent fatal errors.
I also know that my mom is probably feeling a little yucky right now with all this blood talk. Sorry.
I’m just saying that it’s a big deal, receiving the right kind of blood. And it’s dependent on the right kind of donor volunteering to share, literally, life.
I’ve never had a medical procedure that required a transfusion and I’m pretty happy about that. But I have had a transfusion. My blood type is not limited to A-. I’m a type C as well. Christ donated and I accepted the gift of life.
It changes everything when you’re on the brink of death and somebody steps up to give you what you are lacking. It changes who you are and where you’re headed now.
So I’m just saying, thanks. I had massive blood loss due to sin. I had tried to operate on myself and just caused more damage. I was getting shocky and fading fast. And just in time, the much-needed transfusion arrived.
Blood anyone?

Matthew 26:28
This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.


Pat said...

You're right, this blood talk as usual grosses me out, at least this one has a good ending; and is not your usual "shop talk" that you and your sister normally subject me to! I can live with this message!!

Margie said...

I got goose pimples...

Again, I am in awe of what Jesus did for us, for you for me. I stand in Awe.

tina fabulous said...

i gave blood once when i was about 18. all i remember is some old lady furiously ringing a bell and shouting "we got a fainter!".

but the cookies were delicious so it wasnt a complete loss.

i'm glad Jesus isnt a fainter.

stunning analogy, my friend.