Monday, August 31, 2009

Our Adventures

No, we didn't do anything terribly exciting today.
Slept in and sipped coffee, or in the Mr.'s case tea, and took our time getting moving. Did all the laundry and ran a vacuum before leaving the house.
We went to Garden Ridge and picked up a few little things, nothing too grand. Tried to buy an ottoman but they didn't have the color we wanted. We repurposed a few household items by giving them a fresh coat of paint and brought a pretty painting for the family room wall. Kathy saved me a Hudson's menu before they sold out to Marshall Field's to remember the days when we used to lunch there; finally framed and hung it.
We went to a local coney joint for lunch. Made rice-sghetti for dinner with salad fixin's from the garden and that was pretty much the day. But it was a lovely day despite the lack of bells and whistles. I'm going to go clean the kitchen and then take a shower. Tomorrow morning we're both back to work and the regular daily stuff but that's ok.
I think I'll call this one a perfect Monday.

Small grace: Holding hands.

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