Wednesday, October 17, 2007

When The Journey Is Too Much

A few months ago some of us went to Barry and Arlene's home for a prayer gathering. Just an informal moment when a bunch of us came together to pray for Arlene's strength and healing. In we walked and there sat Arlene on the couch. Dean and I don't spend lots of time at the Wilburn home; they're busy and we're busy and that's just how it is. The great thing is, it doesn't matter. The point is, I feel at home there.
I'm not one of those people who can settle in and relax anywhere. I am really entirely at ease in a few places and mainly prefer to be in my own home. But through the years I have run headlong into pain and problems that left me running to others for help, comfort and just plain old love. Those were the times when I was so soul-tired that my own four walls just weren't enough. I needed to be taken care of. Arlene's couch reminded me of those times.
I've laid on my gramma's couch under a soft afghan when I was sick while she made me soup. I've cat-napped on my mom's couch when daboyz were babies, stealing some down time while she and my dad took over baby duty. I have the most wonderful couch in the world, soft and cozy and perfect for snuggling when you don't quite want to go to bed but you wouldn't mind a snooze.
I've never stretched out on Barry & Arlene's couch, but I bet they'd let me if it would make me feel better. I feel welcome on the couch of Pat/Trish too. I'd not hesitate to make myself at home on a number of couches if the world just got too heavy for me to bear it and I needed a little TLC. In fact, I believe that T-Fab has a red couch that would certainly be available should I need to run away from home.
God understands when we're just too tired to keep on pushing forward. He knows when our feet get tired and our minds can't think another thought. He always has someone there who is willing to let us use their couch until we are strong enough to get back on the road. My couch is available too, should you need a place to lay with a soft afghan while someone makes you soup and feeds your weary soul. I'm an excellent soup maker and as I mentioned, my couch is superb.
Don't ever feel ashamed when you need to lay down and rest. There's a couch somewhere waiting to welcome your weary body.

1 Kings 19:4-7 ... while he himself went a day's journey into the desert. He came to a broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. "I have had enough, LORD," he said. "Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors." 5 Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, "Get up and eat." 6 He looked around, and there by his head was a cake of bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again. 7 The angel of the LORD came back a second time and touched him and said, "Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you."

my awesome couch>>


Trish said...

Sara- You have been on every couch I have ever owned, you can rest your weary head or just come over and I'll make strong coffee, we can
share stories and laugh. Mostly though, just feel loved!!

Louise said...

What a wonderful post! I love my couch too, it's my place to read, watch tv, snooze, relax, and cuddle with the grandgirls.

Just Me said...

"My couch is available too, should you need a place to lay with a soft afghan while someone makes you soup and feeds your weary soul. I'm an excellent soup maker and as I mentioned, my couch is superb."

Oh how I wish I could... I have been ill physically for over a week now, with the flu and the hangin on crude that has came with it... mentally I have been weary for sometime now... I told the Lord I just needed someone to take care of me... there was/is no one... and everyone seems to still expect me to do everything I have before...

You are soooo blessed to have someone who is willing.

Mrs. Mac said...

I'm having trouble sleeping ... is your couch available? Do you have a heating pad? Save me some coffee as you leave for work. What type of soup are you making today sis?

Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!! said...

S~what a wonderful post. You KNOW you are more than welcome here anytime. I am going to begin to pray for you more. You've been taking care of me with dinners and praying and everything else, now it's my turn. Love you girl!

tina fabulous said...

my t-fabulous red couch is always available for all of your lazing needs! possibly some soup, most defintely some cake.
love you mucho.

tina fabulous said...

ps i also have all the necessary materials for building a fort, should you feel the need for a hideout.

Pat said...

From time to time, we all need a soft place to land. Sometimes God provides that soft place in the form of friends and family...sometimes it's in the quiet, warm, unseen embrace of his arms.
Sometimes as T-Fab says, you may also need a fort!

Deb said...

lots and lots of pillows
so you can sink in
and pile them all around
and get totally lost
in the pillows

that was my poetry for the day.
love your denim-comfy-like-that-worn-in-pair-of-jeans couch!