There's a sweetness in the old cliche, "family of God." I've been a part of this family for my entire life and after a few years, you end up with lots of relatives! You have the quiet ones, the loud ones. The obnoxious, cranky, negative and critical ones.
You have the inspiring, sweet and encouraging ones.
You have relatives that you can't wait to see and those you wish you could deny being related to! There are some who make you proud and some you wish wouldn't tell people that you know them.
The family of God is just like a real family populated by imperfect people. And like a biological family, without grace and mercy the family will turn on itself and fall apart. Families can hurt each other more than any one else in the world can hurt us.
Relatives will let you down and tick you off. If you are anything like me, these same people will come through in a pinch and defend you to the end. Families laugh and cry together and the love and commitment runs so deep it overcomes time. Families are a multi-generational thing.
For a little reference to the family that Christ gives us, Am used to baby sit my kids and my sister used to baby sit her. Daboyz called her Amburger.
Arlene is Am's mom. Her husband Barry played piano at our wedding and he and the Mr. are soul brothers if ever there were such a thing. "Aid" is Adrienne is Amber's cousin who is really her sister and who needs to post a new blog.
Java Sista is a recent addition to my family having been introduced to me through Problems & Promises, a lifegroup of our church. The lifegroup is no more, but she is my sista for life.
Kelly is my third cousin but really my sister and almost my twin. Kathy is my aunt who I used to call my cousin. My mom is my mom. And my sister.
Tina was an eye-rolling kid in my Sunday School class but now she's one of my posse and I trust her with everything...the good the bad and the ridiculous. Her mom was daboyz' Sunday School teacher and in crisis, still the one I'm instructed to call..."Tell Sister Maryann to pray!!"
Mike is my brother and it is possible we were separated at birth as he is one of very few people who understands my inner grouch and in fact, encourages snarkiness as a form of ministry. He has also offered to beat people up for me, which is a very endearing trait in a brother.
Tonya is my sister of almost two years and I'm not sure what I did before she and her hubby came into our lives. They are the family I didn't know I was missing.
Margie is my sister whether she likes it or not and the recipient of my "wisdom"; also whether she likes it or not. She is also my go-to prayer warrior and resident cookie-baker. Both of equal importance.
Cheryl, Deb and Mrs. Mac are sisters I haven't met but no worries, whether here or heaven we will one day be a force to be reckoned with!!
Kaymac is my sister of encouragement and silliness who doesn't go to my church but did and is still in my church being that we are the church. And probably only she will understand that.
This is just the family in a nutshell. And a nutshell is an appropriate place to put them.
And since we are family...I say get up everybody and dance!
Hebrews 2:11 Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.