On your average Saturday the Mr. practices for his latest gig, the MetroBand. He plays and sings in our church band. It's his passion and his service to God. I know this and I am grateful for a man who uses his time for kingdom work. I know there are a lot of ladies out there whose husbands spend their free time in much worse places. Yes, I know.
That doesn't mean that I don't sometimes resent the three hour chunks our of our Saturdays. And it's only three hours because he knows that's about my limit. The band has tried to keep practices scheduled on mid-week evenings so weekends aren't chewed up but that's just not working lately. Because of the schedules of the various band-members, Saturday morning is the only universally available time. So there it is; practice on Saturdays.
In the Old Testament, the musicians always went before the army into battle; worship before war. This was their acknowledgement of Israel's dependence on God. We're still battling today in a different way. Our warfare is spiritual. And my husband is on the front line of the modern-day march into battle.
Still, worship before war.
Across the nation and around the world there are musicians, singers, worship leaders and composers standing before the Army of God preparing the way. I need to remember that it is my privilege to send a soldier into this spiritual war zone and pray for him as he goes. I'm asking you to do the same, would you pray for those who lead us in worship to prepare us for war?
Your procession has come into view, O God, the procession of my God and King into the sanctuary. In front are the singers, after them the musicians; with them are the maidens playing tambourines. Praise God in the great congregation; praise the LORD in the assembly of Israel. Psalm 68:24-26
when I marry Chris Tomlin, we can go have breakfast while they practice.
This is an important reminder that every part of the body of Christ needs to be held up in prayer. The singers, teacher, musicians, nursery workers....and the families of those who give.
We enter His gates with praise and singing - thank you to all who lead us in worship.
Is that Dean in that picture?
yup, that's my mr in the pic. i'm very artsy i am.
I love that pic! That is so cool!
so... how did daboyz do it?
dont forget his many gigs atop the boblo boat. very key.
i've been doing the worship thing w/ dean for so long now, i dont think i'd be able to function w/o him there!
hes a fine example to us all.
t~you're like the mr.'s worship wife! margie, i did that pic! true, i've no idea how i did it but i still did it!
well, we have been together a long time. i like to think of us like keith and laurie partridge.
but with less polyester and more dreaminess.
Dean's the best!!!! I agree with Pat, we need to hold him and other ministry teams in prayer.
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