I haven't been feeling well the last few days, some kind of stomach virus. This does not bode well for the woman in the mirror but today I'm on the mend and my complexion is returning to its baseline of dry and pale. It's ain't perfect, but I can work with it.
Do you have days when your face is pretty and other days when it's ugly and there's no good reason for the difference? Well, I do. I can tell pretty early into the make-up phase of my morning routine if I'm in for an ugly day or a pretty day. Same with my hair, the pre-sprayed post-dried stage is key. If it's looking rough from stage one, there's not much hope for improvement. Only half of the time do I accept the fact that extra product isn't going to do anything but call attention to my ugly day.
I should be so attuned to my heart. I don't often stop to check myself first thing to see if my spirit is ugly. And yes, I do wake up with an ugly spirit for no good reason. Somehow I tolerate that ugliness much more than ugly face days. This is an ugliness I should cover over by recognizing it and putting it right before I turn away from the mirror.
I know this much, what I put into my body for the last forty eight hours shows in the mirror in the morning. Too much salt, over-eating, junk food, caffeine binges...all turn into puffiness, tired looking, dull eyes and sallow complexion. Lack of the good stuff takes a toll too...not enough activity, skipping on the water, fruits and veggies. Health shows in my face and health is pretty.
On my ugly heart days I can surely look back over the days prior and find too much stress, anger I'm holding on to and unforgiveness that shows in my eyes. Not enough time in quiet worship and getting too busy to talk to Jesus contribute to an ugly heart as well.
If only I could be as bothered by ugly heart days maybe my face would have more pretty days?
Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Wow! Did you and your Mom talk before you wrote your blog or is God just really trying to speak to all of us that read the blogs daily. Although Mom's wasn't quite the same they still had the same threads of God's Voice in them. Thank you too for reminding us what we need to do with our "ugly selves".
When I read your blog this morning I was surprised to see- as Arlene put it- that our posts "had the same threads" or thoughts in them. Having not discussed this at all with each other, it surprised me. It's so easy for our hearts to become ugly - like you said for no good reason. Our tolerance for ugly seems at times to be way to low!
Maybe we're preaching to ourselves and didn't realize it!! Now that could be ugly!!!
Another most awesome post!
You and your mom are on the same page!
Thanks for reminding us to allow the beauty of Jesus shine through us!
I know hormones play into my ugly days..both physically and spiritually..yuck! recognizing what's going on helps...I may not be able to turn the physical tide, but I can surely turn to Him for the spiritual one.
you're always beautiful, even if you don't recongnize it.
for as long as i have known you(Amy too) you have been this most beautiful reflection of real Christianity, every day, always beautiful, reflecting him without any hesitations.
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