And some have had the audacity to blame me for declaring my love and appreciation for a dignified little season I like to call Winter.
Yes, I like Winter.
Sure, I'm ready for a little warm-up. Maybe a light windbreaker to replace my ski jacket. Maybe I'd prefer to have my skin get a break from the drying effects of a furnace running twenty four hours a day. Who wouldn't eat a grilled hot dog? Alright, alright. Maybe a slight upward trend in the thermometer would be a welcome reprieve from Old Man Winter.
But honestly, considering the potential for further demonstration of this body in summer apparel...
Do you see why I like winter?
Isaiah 25:11
They will spread out their hands in it, as a swimmer spreads out his hands to swim. God will bring down their pride despite the cleverness of their hands.
I am not kidding when I say that if the weather and the industry doesn't change soon I am moving, and you'll miss me.
Oh, I feel your pain. It has nothing to do w/ being pg. I hate summer clothes. I mean my body in them.
What amazes me most is how you always manage to come up with a verse to further illustrate your point....
I agree with Deb. Sara is the great verse finder for sure. Who would have ever thought THAT verse would have been in there. Sorry girl, I'm ready for SPRING. Not summer, just a nice long spring!
do you remember that song "Channel Swimmer?" What the heck was that all about?
Anyway, I do blame you for this cold. I don't why, I just do...
As for swimming, it was the time you fell in the pool as a child-- that what did it--the whole not liking summer thing. Come on now, you didn't drown, get over it already and give up the "winter rules" attitude. I have a seven year old child who wants to play at the park in the sun and run to the pool in her flip flops. I promise not to let her drown or anything...Now pray for warmer weather already!
okay with winter already!! Let the sun shine.let the heat blaze...let the skin show...lol
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