There is something in me that shames me to admit. I hope that if I just take a deep breath and put it out there I'll be forced to change. And that thing is change itself. The Mr. says I'm stubborn which I don't deny but it makes me ask, why? The answer is that if I change, I must admit I was wrong. If I am wrong, I am weak. I don't like weakness. This is of course, a completely delusional thought process on my part as we are all weak and I'm not kidding anybody but myself about it.
Have you ever heard of "Practice Theory?" It is exactly what it sounds like, the concept that with practice we become better at any given task. It should be so simple to embrace but we tend to give up and walk away long before it can pay off. I think to myself that if I were smart enough, I would be exempt from Practice Theory. Life itself is Practice Theory.
You see, with practice, you refine your methods. You weed out the stuff that doesn't work. You do things clumsily at first, then a little better, then really well, and eventually the stuff that was so awkward is now instinct. You've practiced your way to proficiency.
In life this requires going back at those things that you have failed at over and over again. Examining your failure and determining to figure out where you're messing up. Then laying down your ego to go at it with all your ineptitude showing until you master "it." Changing your approach and methods all the while until you finally get good results.
Life, lived well and right before God takes practice. Parenting, relationships, school, jobs, fill-in-the-blank; it all takes multiple attempts and revisions. No symphony is complete at the first draft. No life is well-lived without practice.
I need to lay down my pride so I can keep working on the things that bait me into being less than I should be. This life is sacred, let me practice holiness until I am finally made complete.
Romans 12:2
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
i hate having to practice things. i want to know everything immediately and be right all of the time.
now I know what to get you for your birthday! (the book)
that's my favorite scrip, I wear it around my neck.
"The answer is that if I change, I must admit I was wrong. If I am wrong, I am weak. I don't like weakness. This is of course, a completely delusional thought process on my part as we are all weak and I'm not kidding anybody but myself about it."
This is definitely plagiarism --taken directly from MY brain.
Sigh...we don't like weakness, we don't like to be wrong, we don't like change ....and we don't like practice...how will we EVER get holy??...Thank goodness He is holy and has given us His nature...now to walk in it...(is that practicing in disguise??)
I've read the book. Good stuff in it for everyone. ;-)
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